Sunday, May 31, 2009

Emma's Sitting

This is our precious grandniece Emma, at 21 months. She did not mind sitting in the chair for me, but, sitting still is not something her mind comprends at this time. No problem, I just drew her in motion.

Milrock Road 2

This scene and surrounding land was the Hawkins homesteaded propery, beginning around the 1800's. My grandfather was born on a house on a hill to the right. My father was born in a house over a couple of hills to the left, a place called Peace Valley. SOLD

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Winter Storm

Painted midwinter from the view out my new studio windows. The carpenter still had his table saw in the room so I used it as an easel. This was probably the worst storm of the year and I sat warm and cozy with a clear view of the elements. What a blessing from God to be so protected.

Hilltop Horseplay

Painted this from a churchyard looking toward Teagarden Road. Animals don't stand still for long so a few brush strokes have to describe them. It helped that these two stayed on the hill long enough for me to capture them in paint.