Found another lovely place on the Ohio River. Can't wait to go back. Every day would reveal different colors. This painting won first place at the East Liverpool Pottery Festival. Oil Painting 11" x 14" SOLD
Nancy, you have been very busy. I love your latest four paintings, they are wonderful. I don`t know where you get your brilliant colours from, well done Nancy, and all the best. Vic.
When painting en plein air I’m drawn into a deeper sense of the beauty of the landscape. Capturing in paint some essence of God’s handiwork is an intriguing thrill. Shapes and colors change constantly via the elements, like a kaleidoscope turning as it is held up to the light. Sunlight and shadow, the movement of a breeze, makes painting en plein air so much more stimulating than painting from a photo.
I work to capture that flash of wonder the light reveals to me. Spontaneity contributes to the energy that comes through in my painting. My painting is a celebration of light and color. Light is a metaphor of Christ the creator. Light reveals color, exposing immediate substance. It reveals depth and detail. Light communicates relationships, revealing nuances that continuously change, yet have a timeless source. My Paintings are for sale in the sales gallery of Butler Institute of American Art & The Hoyt Art Center Gift Shop & on Etsy as "Pleinairimpressions". It is my privilege to be a participant in various juried artist shows, Denver Plein Air in Colorado, Ohio Plein Air Society, Butler Museum of American Art, & The Hoyt in New Castle, PA.
Nancy, you have been very busy. I love your latest four paintings, they are wonderful. I don`t know where you get your brilliant colours from, well done Nancy, and all the best.
Thanks Vic,
The colors seem to be there. But then, the light in England might be a bit different. I want to go back to paint here again.
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